Hey everyone. My name’s Ian and I was a spring admitted student to USC. This webpage is to serve as both a way for family and friends to follow me during my semester in Europe and as an aid for future spring admitted students. As a student admitted for the spring semester I had a few options with what I wanted to do this fall. I could get a job and not take classes, enroll in a local junior college to begin taking classes, or try to enroll in a semester long program of some sort. After finding out that I had not been bumped up to fall admission, I began leaning towards the idea of doing a program of sorts. I wanted to travel so I searched for a program in which I could both acquire college credits and travel. Through this whole process my parents were extremely helpful and patient with me.
In the end, I owe my mom all the credit. She found a great program at an American school in Lugano, Switzerland called Franklin College. Franklin is a four year liberal arts college with approx. 500 undergrad students. Franklin offers between 15-20 spots for study abroad students and has had USC spring admitted freshmen attend before. After talking it over with my parents I quickly applied and was admitted. The school has been very helpful considering I did not apply to the school until about early July.
I am so jealous! You are gonna have such a good time and will learn a lot, I am sure. And then when you're finished you get to move down to LA and start college. Life is good. I look forward to following your blog.